For The Win!

Hello hello!

You may be wondering: what in the world happened to this site?!

Don’t click away just yet, I’ll explain. Remember that some days ago I talked about an exciting hobby collaboration with a friend?
Well, we’re making it happen! Now! Today! Yay! 🙂

REPROCAT is the tag that N. uses to mark her handmade projects, and since we’re going to be making things for reprocat, it seemed like a book idea to inclue it here! Isn’t it adorable?

Speaking of adorable:

We’re just two little cats, from Västerås! We live with the wrong type of human… he’s allergic and can’t be with us, so we ask for you to click to see a video that will steal your hearts! we will steal your hearts! *to be sung to the tune of “Two Little Girls from Little Rock”*



Some Catty Things The World Has To Offer:

Well, it’d be more acurate to say “some catty things this one store on Esty called ShebboDesign has to offer” but that doesn’t sound quite as catchy does it? On the other hand, ShebboDesign is somewhere in the world…. 😀 Am I being catty? *lame!*

But anyway look at these catastically cute things: imagine if you had a cat purse to put in your cat cutch which went into your cat bag that you wear with your cat shirt which matches your cat necklace, you’d be a pretty catty person! *lame again, Bob!*

I Can Haz A Niew Höme?

Oh yes, yet another cat themed day!

Here are some really cute Devon Rex kitties… which I will never have because Darling thinks they are freaky looking and outrageously ugly. I on the other hand find them very adorable, I think that their disproportionately huge eyes give them a caring naive look and their mouths really look like this smiley :-3 !

S*Fairycoons Quira! Such a cutie

“We are adorable little cat girls from Fairycoons cattery in Huddinge!” “We’re not all girls, I’m a boy dammit!” ~can you guess who the boy is? 😛 source:


Angels with Whiskers !

I know can’t really shop for cats but I love looking att adverts for them on the internet. In the future I’m hoping to adopt another siamese as a boyfriend to the one I have now, so I keep my eye on different catteries. And look at this young litle one! So adorable!

Hi, my name is Xtreme from S*Coral Reef in Nässjö, Sweden. And these are my baby pictures! Click on the picture If want to see my sistets


Little Black Cat Dress (Easy Streets)

Yeah, this is another cat themed post! I promise it won’t always be like that, but today I’m really cat obsessed. Maybe it’s because my kitty is playing mind games with me by ignoring me today…

Anyway, I’m gonna wish this lovely dress for my birthday! We’ll see one of my friends or family get it…

Super cute, right? And the kind of dress that would look good on most people, i think.

Ingenious Koruneko Earings by Sisunyak

I love the way the head is at the front and the body is at the back of the ear

Oh my god! Kawaii! If you’re an avid anime watcher like I am you might recognize this little little from somewhere…

Yes, yes it is the cat from Trigun!  Make from polymer clay and surgical steel, i was just really impressed at how it well designed it is. And it costs 84 kr (EUR 10/ USD 13), I’ve bought shitter things for more…

I Love Cats Ring by Kat Studio

*kyaaa* so adorable :3

Hello hello!

One of my favorite sites to do some lazy surfing at is I always really awesome stuff there!

So today I was looking for cat harness inspiration, ’cause I want to make a home made one for my kitty so she can hang out on the balcony railing without jumping off on me. But as usual I got sidetracked and came across these really cute rings! And they’re not too expensive either- at around 200 kr (EUR: 23/ USD: 30) Here are some other cute rings by the same designer:

I love thin rings, they look so cute and practical at the same time. ❤

A cat ear ring! Adorable! If I weren’t a lazy fuck that can’t be bothered with jewelry, I’d get myself one of these!